Carmen Court Hostile Designation | Membership Update

Carmen Court Hostile Designation likely headed for Denver City Council on November 2nd.

Since our last call-for-action, the Carmen Court homeowners agreed to provide the applicants with an additional 45 days to find a developer that could preserve the building and pay them what their property is worth. The applicants and Historic Denver continue to search for that developer, but unfortunately one has not been identified. We remain hopeful there can be a win/win solution for all parties involved as the negotiations are ongoing.

However, if a compromise can’t be reached, this hostile landmark designation will go before Denver City Council on Monday, November 2nd. We would prefer the three individuals pull their designation application and avoid what will likely be a very difficult public hearing and vote.

Councilwoman Amanda Sawyer recently asked her District 5 constituents how she should vote on the hostile landmark designation. Here are the results:

  • 74.71% thought she should vote against the designation.
  • 18.39% thought she should vote for the designation
  • 6.9% were unsure.

If you’re interested in supporting the property owners by writing and/or speaking to Denver City Council, please contact Peter Wall, DMAR’s Director of Government Affairs, at