RECAP: West District's Official Kickoff Meeting

On Thursday, October 1, 2015 the West District hosted their official kickoff meeting.  Here's a brief recap for those who were unable to attend.

With around 50 attendees, there was definitely a great energy in the room as guest speakers discussed hot industry topics, reported on government affairs issues, and identified district volunteers.  

Chairwoman of the Board, Laura Ruch, welcomed everyone to the meeting and talked on the importance of our districts, and on the need for strong communication from the districts to the Board. She emphasized that the Board works to represent members and therefore open-dialog and communication are key.

Sahsa Graves, Affiliate Chairwoman, spoke on the importance of Affiliate membership and finding partners and professionals who are passionate about the real estate industry.  By working together, Affiliate and REALTOR® members improve both their businesses and help to strengthen the DMAR community.

Peter Wall from the Governance Committee, touched on the Jefferson County Library Mill Levy and construction defects, before opening the floor to questions from the meeting attendees.

Overall, it was a great kickoff meeting and we'd like to say thank you to everyone who was able to attend.  Also, a special thank you goes out to our breakfast sponsor, Lynnda Gies & Fidelity National Title, for keeping us well-fed and happy during the meeting.