Thank you, REALTOR® Party!

Thank you for taking action to stop patent trolls!

More than 152,000 REALTORS®—16 percent of all members—responded to the REALTOR® Party’s most recent Call for Action, asking Congress to stop patent trolls and protect our industry from frivolous lawsuits. Thirty states and two territories broke through the 20 percent mark!

This has been one of our most successful Calls for Action in NAR history!  READ MORE HERE...

By the Numbers

Number of doors the REALTORS® of Montgomery, AL knocked on to help drum up support to re-elect their mayor, who is a champion of property rights issues. Using a REALTOR® Party Independent Expenditure Grant, along with funds of their own, the Montgomery Area Association put together a vigorous and effective campaign to help their candidate win. Read More...

Number of waivers granted so far by the Federal Aviation Administration to allow drones to be used for marketing purposes.  Many of these waivers have gone to real estate businesses.  In testimony before Congress last month, NAR President Chris Polychron asked for clear regulation that permits the commercial application of drones in a way that is affordable and safe. Read More...

The estimated number of water main breaks in America every year, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers, which gives the U.S. water supply infrastructure a “D” score. These breaks are disruptive—not only to the water supply, but to roads, buildings, and other infrastructure. “Water: An Issue Everywhere” is the title of the latest Hot Topic Alert available now from the REALTOR® Action Center.  Read More...

Want to learn more? Check out these inspiring success stories:

► Montgomery AL REALTORS® Knock on 24,000 Doors to Help Re-Elect Their Champion for Mayor 

► Virginia REALTORS® Partner with “Homes for Our Troops” to Help Injured Veterans Get Mortgage-Free Housing

► Advocacy and Teamwork Help Minnesota Association Protect Mortgage Interest Deduction
